How to Incorporate AR and VR into Your Event Management Software

How to Incorporate AR and VR into Your Event Management Software

The secret is out - the key to beating your competition in the event management industry is creating unforgettable experiences. The best way to do that? 

By incorporating AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) into your event management software! 

Technologies like AR and VR are transforming the event industry, with over 67% of event planners planning on using augmented reality in event management. On the other hand, over 88% plan to utilize virtual reality in event management to provide audiences with captivating experiences. 

And these technologies aren’t just offering a ‘WOW’ factor. They’re providing practical solutions to manage complex logistics and deliver personalized experiences. 

So, join us as we go through the essential steps of incorporating AR and VR into your event management software. We’ll also discuss different use case scenarios, benefits, challenges, and the best possible solution near the end.

Understanding AR and VR 

AR and VR Difference

Before getting into how you can apply AR and VR to event management, let’s talk about what they are:

Augmented Reality (AR):

AR adds digital elements to the real world using smartphones or AR glasses. These elements include images, sounds, or even special effects. The idea is to enhance real-world environments and provide interactive experiences.

Virtual Reality (VR):

VR creates completely immersive experiences that take users to a completely new environment. VR experiences often require headsets and hand controllers. They allow users to be fully engaged in virtual settings, and assist in storytelling and experiential learning. 

AR and VR have gained popularity, mostly thanks to gaming and entertainment. However, their potential extends far beyond that (especially in the event management industry).

How to Incorporate AR and VR into Event Management 

Let’s look at 7 actionable strategies to incorporate AR and VR into your event management software: 

1. Virtual Attendance

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in event management can be incorporated through virtual attendance. Allowing attendees to join events remotely could lead to an increase in reach and engagement. Just imagine a corporate event where globally distributed teams can attend the event using VR. 

They could even interact in a virtual lobby or virtual meeting rooms (just like in physical event spaces). This would lead to increased participation and also create an inclusive environment that boosts digital engagement. 

2. Virtual Tours

You can give attendees virtual tours of your venue/exhibition space using AR and VR tours. This feature has the ability to become an invaluable tool, especially for large conventions or conferences. 

Using AR and VR, you can provide an immersive tour that assists participants in navigating the event space, or even exploring exhibits in advance. This event management feature has been especially handy for the real estate and tourism industries (although event management is catching up!). 

3. AR Experiences

Augmented reality can transform static event environments into interactive experiences. Imagine walking into a themed event where the walls turn into moving waterfalls or beach scenes through AR.

Or consider an AR product display, allowing visitors to explore every angle of the product without a physical prototype (such as IKEA’s Place App). AR and VR make all of this possible. 

4. Live Results Using AR/VR

AR and VR can also add a layer of fun and excitement to live results. For example, charity fundraiser events can use AR and VR to display a virtual bar that increases in size as donations come in. 

Furthermore, esports tournament platforms could incorporate dynamic leaderboards that update in real time during esports tournaments, such as the Esports World Cup 2024. Both of these are great examples of how AR and VR can drive participation and keep attendees engaged.

5. Virtual Badging

Virtual badging is one of the latest advancements in event management. The idea is to allow attendees to unlock new badges by participating in activities, attending sessions, or even engaging in networking through AR games. 

Just recently, CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2023, one of the largest technology trade shows, utilized virtual badges to great effect. Attendees could scan QR codes at different booths and collect digital badges and compete for prizes. 

6. Brand Activations

Brand activations can go to the next level with AR and VR. A well-known beauty brand recently used VR headsets at an event to allow attendees to "try on" makeup virtually. This not only drew crowds but also led to a significant increase in sales conversions for the featured products. 

For tech or product launches, AR and VR activations provide a fun, interactive way to engage potential customers.

7. Elevated Gamification

Gamification can transform an otherwise standard event into something unforgettable. Using VR, attendees could engage in interactive experiences like virtual escape rooms, puzzles, or immersive storytelling that align with the event's theme. 

These experiences drive engagement by making participants active contributors, encouraging teamwork, and adding a competitive edge.

Use Cases of AR and VR for Event Management

Use Cases of AR and VR in Events

Whether it’s creating immersive environments or promoting remote participation, AR and VR are becoming invaluable tools for event planners. Let’s look at a few use case scenarios that highlight the potential of these technologies in event management: 

Use Case #1: Enhanced Navigation and Routing

The attendee experience at large-scale events can be significantly improved through AR with intuitive navigation solutions. Gone are the days of static maps and confusing directions as AR overlays interactive maps on devices. 

This solution guides the user seamlessly through complex event layouts, allowing them to easily find what they’re looking for. This enhances user experience and also reduces stress associated with finding specific locations, booths, or amenities.

Use Case #2: Virtual Reality Conferencing and Meetups

Virtual reality in event management also extends to virtual conferencing, where participants can interact in a simulated environment. This allows for remote attendance (through event attendance tracking software) and participation, breaking down geographical barriers and reducing costs associated with travel and accommodation. 

It’s beneficial for corporate events or global summits as it enables attendees to network, collaborate, and share ideas in a virtual space.

Use Case #3: Networking with AR Business Cards/Badges

Networking is a core component of most events, and AR can make this process more engaging and memorable. AR business cards or badges can be scanned to reveal interactive content, such as videos, detailed bios, or project showcases, adding a dynamic element to typical networking activities. 

This not only helps attendees remember their connections but also encourages deeper engagement.

Use Case #4: Immersive Product Demonstrations

Virtual reality for events offers a unique opportunity for product demonstrations that go beyond the limitations of physical space. By using VR headsets, attendees can experience a product in a fully immersive environment, interacting with it in ways that aren’t possible in real life. 

For instance, a car manufacturer could offer virtual test drives, or a tech company could showcase its software in a simulated real-world scenario.

Benefits of AR and VR For Event Management 

Benefits of AR and VR for Events

AR and VR technologies can provide numerous benefits for event management, making it essential to include these technologies in your event management software. 

Some key benefits they offer are as follows:

Increased Engagement and Interactivity

Virtual reality for events allows an unprecedented level of engagement by immersing attendees in interactive experiences. 

Whether it’s a VR tour of a product or an AR-enabled scavenger hunt, these technologies capture attention and keep participants engaged longer. This can lead to stronger brand recall and better ROI.

Enhanced Remote Participation

Virtual reality event platforms provide a unique solution for events with a global audience. 

By offering a VR or AR component, attendees who can’t be physically present can still participate in the event, experiencing keynotes, networking, and even virtual trade shows as if they were there. This expanded reach can increase event attendance and participation rates.

Cost Efficiency (in the Long Run) 

While implementing AR and VR might seem expensive initially, they can actually lead to significant cost savings in the long run. 

For instance, using VR for virtual reality corporate events or demonstrations eliminates the need for expensive prototypes, physical setups, and travel expenses. Similarly, an AR experience can replace costly printed materials and signage with digital, interactive versions.

Data Collection and Analytics

AR and VR can offer deeper insights into attendee behavior by tracking interactions within the virtual environment. 

For example, event organizers can see which virtual booths were most visited, what content was most engaging, and how long attendees spent in different areas. This data can be invaluable for refining event strategies and improving future experiences.

Unique Branding Opportunities

Augmented reality for events provides brands with innovative ways to showcase their identity and values. 

Customizable AR filters, branded VR environments, and interactive digital content can create memorable experiences that align closely with brand messaging. These immersive experiences are more likely to be shared on social media, amplifying the event’s reach and impact.

Overcome AR and VR Challenges with Custom Solutions

Simply using AR and VR in events isn’t enough. To truly captivate your audience and make an impact, you need a tailored approach. Many existing solutions fall short of addressing these specific needs because of challenges like: 

  • High Costs
  • Technical Glitches
  • User Familiarity
  • Content Creation
  • Accessibility

That’s where Phaedra Solutions steps in with custom event management software solutions. We don’t just integrate AR and VR into your events; we create custom experiences designed to meet your unique goals. 

Our team of 50+ specialists bring a blend of technical expertise and creative insight that ensure your events don’t just follow trends — they set them.

Why Choose Phaedra Solutions?
  • Custom solutions aligned with your event goals and audience.
  • Expertise in flawless execution and impactful AR and VR results.
  • Creative experiences that go beyond conventional options.
  • Full support from ideation to implementation for event success.
  • Trusted by industry leaders for memorable, tech-driven events.

Don't just keep up with the latest trends in event management — partner with Phaedra Solutions and lead the way!

Final Verdict

All event professionals know that creating memorable experiences is the key to successful events. AR and VR have proved themselves to be powerful tools in this regard. 

However, simply adding AR and VR to your event management strategy isn’t going to work miracles. It’s about how well these technologies are integrated to serve your unique goals. 

That’s where the value of custom event management software comes in. Such software enables tailored, seamless integration of AR and VR, elevating every aspect of your event. As the event industry continues to evolve, adopting custom solutions is what will set you apart from the competitors and keep your audience engaged. 

With the right approach (and technology), your events can offer the kind of experience attendees will remember for years to come! 


What are the Basic Requirements to Incorporate AR and VR into Event Management Software?

The basic requirements are:

  • Strong internet connection.
  • AR/VR hardware e.g. headsets, cameras, or smartphones.
  • Software development kits (SDKs) for AR/VR integration.
  • Multiple inputs and sensors integrated into the software. 
  • Skilled developers to customize and integrate features.

How Long Does it Take to Implement AR and VR Features into an Existing System?

AR and VR features can take 2 - 6 months to successfully implement into existing systems. Keep in mind that the complexity of the features and system compatibility plays a major role in deciding the timeline.

What are Some Examples of AR and VR Applications in Event Management? 

Examples of Augmented reality and virtual reality in events include: 

  • Virtual tours of entire event venues.
  • AR-powered networking opportunities. 
  • VR presentations and interactive product demos. 
  • Immersive training sessions or workshops.

How can AR and VR Improve Attendee Engagement at Events?

AR and VR have the potential to improve attendee management by creating immersive and interactive experiences for attendees. Secondly, these technologies offer attendees the opportunity to participate virtually and interact with gamified elements. Furthermore, AR and VR provide personalized content and networking opportunities. 

Can AR and VR Technologies be Used for Small-Scale or Local Events? 

Yes, AR and VR can be just as beneficial for small-scale or local events. For such events, scalable AR and VR solutions can be utilized. Mobile-based AR apps or simple VR setups work well for small-scale or local events. Small events where AR and VR can have an impact include:

  • Workshops
  • Small expos

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How to Incorporate AR and VR into Your Event Management Software

How to Incorporate AR and VR into Your Event Management Software

The secret is out - the key to beating your competition in the event management industry is creating unforgettable experiences. The best way to do that? 

By incorporating AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) into your event management software! 

Technologies like AR and VR are transforming the event industry, with over 67% of event planners planning on using augmented reality in event management. On the other hand, over 88% plan to utilize virtual reality in event management to provide audiences with captivating experiences. 

And these technologies aren’t just offering a ‘WOW’ factor. They’re providing practical solutions to manage complex logistics and deliver personalized experiences. 

So, join us as we go through the essential steps of incorporating AR and VR into your event management software. We’ll also discuss different use case scenarios, benefits, challenges, and the best possible solution near the end.

Understanding AR and VR 

AR and VR Difference

Before getting into how you can apply AR and VR to event management, let’s talk about what they are:

Augmented Reality (AR):

AR adds digital elements to the real world using smartphones or AR glasses. These elements include images, sounds, or even special effects. The idea is to enhance real-world environments and provide interactive experiences.

Virtual Reality (VR):

VR creates completely immersive experiences that take users to a completely new environment. VR experiences often require headsets and hand controllers. They allow users to be fully engaged in virtual settings, and assist in storytelling and experiential learning. 

AR and VR have gained popularity, mostly thanks to gaming and entertainment. However, their potential extends far beyond that (especially in the event management industry).

How to Incorporate AR and VR into Event Management 

Let’s look at 7 actionable strategies to incorporate AR and VR into your event management software: 

1. Virtual Attendance

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in event management can be incorporated through virtual attendance. Allowing attendees to join events remotely could lead to an increase in reach and engagement. Just imagine a corporate event where globally distributed teams can attend the event using VR. 

They could even interact in a virtual lobby or virtual meeting rooms (just like in physical event spaces). This would lead to increased participation and also create an inclusive environment that boosts digital engagement. 

2. Virtual Tours

You can give attendees virtual tours of your venue/exhibition space using AR and VR tours. This feature has the ability to become an invaluable tool, especially for large conventions or conferences. 

Using AR and VR, you can provide an immersive tour that assists participants in navigating the event space, or even exploring exhibits in advance. This event management feature has been especially handy for the real estate and tourism industries (although event management is catching up!). 

3. AR Experiences

Augmented reality can transform static event environments into interactive experiences. Imagine walking into a themed event where the walls turn into moving waterfalls or beach scenes through AR.

Or consider an AR product display, allowing visitors to explore every angle of the product without a physical prototype (such as IKEA’s Place App). AR and VR make all of this possible. 

4. Live Results Using AR/VR

AR and VR can also add a layer of fun and excitement to live results. For example, charity fundraiser events can use AR and VR to display a virtual bar that increases in size as donations come in. 

Furthermore, esports tournament platforms could incorporate dynamic leaderboards that update in real time during esports tournaments, such as the Esports World Cup 2024. Both of these are great examples of how AR and VR can drive participation and keep attendees engaged.

5. Virtual Badging

Virtual badging is one of the latest advancements in event management. The idea is to allow attendees to unlock new badges by participating in activities, attending sessions, or even engaging in networking through AR games. 

Just recently, CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2023, one of the largest technology trade shows, utilized virtual badges to great effect. Attendees could scan QR codes at different booths and collect digital badges and compete for prizes. 

6. Brand Activations

Brand activations can go to the next level with AR and VR. A well-known beauty brand recently used VR headsets at an event to allow attendees to "try on" makeup virtually. This not only drew crowds but also led to a significant increase in sales conversions for the featured products. 

For tech or product launches, AR and VR activations provide a fun, interactive way to engage potential customers.

7. Elevated Gamification

Gamification can transform an otherwise standard event into something unforgettable. Using VR, attendees could engage in interactive experiences like virtual escape rooms, puzzles, or immersive storytelling that align with the event's theme. 

These experiences drive engagement by making participants active contributors, encouraging teamwork, and adding a competitive edge.

Use Cases of AR and VR for Event Management

Use Cases of AR and VR in Events

Whether it’s creating immersive environments or promoting remote participation, AR and VR are becoming invaluable tools for event planners. Let’s look at a few use case scenarios that highlight the potential of these technologies in event management: 

Use Case #1: Enhanced Navigation and Routing

The attendee experience at large-scale events can be significantly improved through AR with intuitive navigation solutions. Gone are the days of static maps and confusing directions as AR overlays interactive maps on devices. 

This solution guides the user seamlessly through complex event layouts, allowing them to easily find what they’re looking for. This enhances user experience and also reduces stress associated with finding specific locations, booths, or amenities.

Use Case #2: Virtual Reality Conferencing and Meetups

Virtual reality in event management also extends to virtual conferencing, where participants can interact in a simulated environment. This allows for remote attendance (through event attendance tracking software) and participation, breaking down geographical barriers and reducing costs associated with travel and accommodation. 

It’s beneficial for corporate events or global summits as it enables attendees to network, collaborate, and share ideas in a virtual space.

Use Case #3: Networking with AR Business Cards/Badges

Networking is a core component of most events, and AR can make this process more engaging and memorable. AR business cards or badges can be scanned to reveal interactive content, such as videos, detailed bios, or project showcases, adding a dynamic element to typical networking activities. 

This not only helps attendees remember their connections but also encourages deeper engagement.

Use Case #4: Immersive Product Demonstrations

Virtual reality for events offers a unique opportunity for product demonstrations that go beyond the limitations of physical space. By using VR headsets, attendees can experience a product in a fully immersive environment, interacting with it in ways that aren’t possible in real life. 

For instance, a car manufacturer could offer virtual test drives, or a tech company could showcase its software in a simulated real-world scenario.

Benefits of AR and VR For Event Management 

Benefits of AR and VR for Events

AR and VR technologies can provide numerous benefits for event management, making it essential to include these technologies in your event management software. 

Some key benefits they offer are as follows:

Increased Engagement and Interactivity

Virtual reality for events allows an unprecedented level of engagement by immersing attendees in interactive experiences. 

Whether it’s a VR tour of a product or an AR-enabled scavenger hunt, these technologies capture attention and keep participants engaged longer. This can lead to stronger brand recall and better ROI.

Enhanced Remote Participation

Virtual reality event platforms provide a unique solution for events with a global audience. 

By offering a VR or AR component, attendees who can’t be physically present can still participate in the event, experiencing keynotes, networking, and even virtual trade shows as if they were there. This expanded reach can increase event attendance and participation rates.

Cost Efficiency (in the Long Run) 

While implementing AR and VR might seem expensive initially, they can actually lead to significant cost savings in the long run. 

For instance, using VR for virtual reality corporate events or demonstrations eliminates the need for expensive prototypes, physical setups, and travel expenses. Similarly, an AR experience can replace costly printed materials and signage with digital, interactive versions.

Data Collection and Analytics

AR and VR can offer deeper insights into attendee behavior by tracking interactions within the virtual environment. 

For example, event organizers can see which virtual booths were most visited, what content was most engaging, and how long attendees spent in different areas. This data can be invaluable for refining event strategies and improving future experiences.

Unique Branding Opportunities

Augmented reality for events provides brands with innovative ways to showcase their identity and values. 

Customizable AR filters, branded VR environments, and interactive digital content can create memorable experiences that align closely with brand messaging. These immersive experiences are more likely to be shared on social media, amplifying the event’s reach and impact.

Overcome AR and VR Challenges with Custom Solutions

Simply using AR and VR in events isn’t enough. To truly captivate your audience and make an impact, you need a tailored approach. Many existing solutions fall short of addressing these specific needs because of challenges like: 

  • High Costs
  • Technical Glitches
  • User Familiarity
  • Content Creation
  • Accessibility

That’s where Phaedra Solutions steps in with custom event management software solutions. We don’t just integrate AR and VR into your events; we create custom experiences designed to meet your unique goals. 

Our team of 50+ specialists bring a blend of technical expertise and creative insight that ensure your events don’t just follow trends — they set them.

Why Choose Phaedra Solutions?
  • Custom solutions aligned with your event goals and audience.
  • Expertise in flawless execution and impactful AR and VR results.
  • Creative experiences that go beyond conventional options.
  • Full support from ideation to implementation for event success.
  • Trusted by industry leaders for memorable, tech-driven events.

Don't just keep up with the latest trends in event management — partner with Phaedra Solutions and lead the way!

Final Verdict

All event professionals know that creating memorable experiences is the key to successful events. AR and VR have proved themselves to be powerful tools in this regard. 

However, simply adding AR and VR to your event management strategy isn’t going to work miracles. It’s about how well these technologies are integrated to serve your unique goals. 

That’s where the value of custom event management software comes in. Such software enables tailored, seamless integration of AR and VR, elevating every aspect of your event. As the event industry continues to evolve, adopting custom solutions is what will set you apart from the competitors and keep your audience engaged. 

With the right approach (and technology), your events can offer the kind of experience attendees will remember for years to come! 


What are the Basic Requirements to Incorporate AR and VR into Event Management Software?

The basic requirements are:

  • Strong internet connection.
  • AR/VR hardware e.g. headsets, cameras, or smartphones.
  • Software development kits (SDKs) for AR/VR integration.
  • Multiple inputs and sensors integrated into the software. 
  • Skilled developers to customize and integrate features.

How Long Does it Take to Implement AR and VR Features into an Existing System?

AR and VR features can take 2 - 6 months to successfully implement into existing systems. Keep in mind that the complexity of the features and system compatibility plays a major role in deciding the timeline.

What are Some Examples of AR and VR Applications in Event Management? 

Examples of Augmented reality and virtual reality in events include: 

  • Virtual tours of entire event venues.
  • AR-powered networking opportunities. 
  • VR presentations and interactive product demos. 
  • Immersive training sessions or workshops.

How can AR and VR Improve Attendee Engagement at Events?

AR and VR have the potential to improve attendee management by creating immersive and interactive experiences for attendees. Secondly, these technologies offer attendees the opportunity to participate virtually and interact with gamified elements. Furthermore, AR and VR provide personalized content and networking opportunities. 

Can AR and VR Technologies be Used for Small-Scale or Local Events? 

Yes, AR and VR can be just as beneficial for small-scale or local events. For such events, scalable AR and VR solutions can be utilized. Mobile-based AR apps or simple VR setups work well for small-scale or local events. Small events where AR and VR can have an impact include:

  • Workshops
  • Small expos

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